Just 2v2!!

Numbers are dwindling, but true basketball enthusiasts still show up! The re-appearance of Brian McClure sparks his and Todd Raridon's 2v2 success. They won 4 games to 2 against the team of Mark Suda and Chris Drennan ('09) and one game against Mark Suda and Chris Erdal. The games were played in Gregory arena with a sizable hawk flying overhead among the rafters. The 2v2 games quickly turned into a 3pt and fouling contest!

MVP of the Day: Everyone except Mark Suda!

Notable News: Mark Suda displayed a rare glimpse of greatness with a fake-crossover that nearly broke Raridon's ankles! However, a couple plays later when the Giant attempted glory again, he dribbled it off his foot out of bounds! Brian McClure may have pulled an oblique after shot-putting a corner 3 pointer off the shot clock!

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  1. I was an innocent observer and I have to comment on what I saw. Todd and Brian were up against the stiffest competition of the week. Outmatched by Chris and the always foul happy Mark, they stood very little chance of winning. As Chris commentewd during the hotley contested games, live by the three and die by the three. At the end of the day, McClure and Rairdon clearly outshot Suda who was quiet from the floor when it came to baskets. (This is not to be confused with foul calls) In a not so rare exhibition McClure and Rairdon shot a blistering 85% from the floor, thus assuring victory. Their record speaks for itself.

  2. I kept scoring the first 8 pts then would give the ball to Mark for the game-winning shot. You know the result, since we ended up losing 4 games!
